Recent Projects
Case Studies for Performance Measurement (2013 & 2010): In support of its corporate planning and performance measurement efforts, ECBC commissioned us to undertake five case studies in Community Economic Development and Commercial Development. The case studies relied on an analysis of project data, internal and external interviews, and external information. The report made recommendations for addressing the opportunities and challenges for performance management identified during the development of the case studies.
An Evaluation Framework for the Jurisprudence Project of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta (2012): The College and Association of the Registered Nurses of Alberta (CARNA) commissioned this project to undertake the development of an evaluation framework for CARNA’s Engaging RNs in Jurisprudence project. The project supports change in the Registered Nurses Profession Regulation to establish a new requirement to demonstrate competence in professional responsibilities and obligations for all new registrants for the purposes of obtaining initial registration as an RN in Alberta. The evaluation framework report sets out a mechanism for ensuring that the project’s objectives, activities and intended outcomes are captured in a formal evaluation plan that supports the successful achievement of outcomes and the on-going delivery of the program.
National Nursing Assessment Service for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) (2009-2011): Our work on this three-phase project required us to identify and subsequently develop a single set of pan-Canadian registration requirements for the assessment of IENs applying for registration/licensure to practice nursing in Canada, along with the processes and supporting criteria by which IENs must demonstrate they meet these requirements. The process included extensive consultation with the three nursing groups in Canada, representing 23 nursing regulatory bodies.
A Labour Market Study of Nova Scotia’s Clean Technology Sector (2012): This study was designed to develop an overview of the labour component of the clean technology sector in Nova Scotia. It included a labour profile of Nova Scotia’s clean technology sector, including current and projected labour supply and demand for related occupations, identified labour market issues in the sector such as training needs, recruitment and retention issues as well as other human resource challenges in Nova Scotia. As subcontractors to Corporate Research Associates Inc., we provided labour market analysis expertise in the development of the study methodologies and contributed to the final report and its recommendations.
Evaluation of the Nurse Practitioner Quality Monitoring & Improvement Program for the College of Registered Nurses of Nova Scotia (2009-2013): We designed an annual survey of participants in this five-year project to assess satisfaction levels with several aspects of the program. A more in-depth review will be completed in the third quarter of 2013.
Labour Market Study of Nova Scotia’s Financial Services Sector (2010): This study was designed to provide NS Economic & Rural Development & Tourism and its government partners with up-to-date information on the labour market characteristics of the financial services sector in the province, including insights into labour demand and human resource issues facing the sector as it develops in the province.
An Evaluation Plan for CARNA’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) (2011): This project developed an evaluation framework for the CCP. Under Alberta’s Health Professions Act, all regulated health professions are required to establish continuing competence programs that provide for members to maintain competence and enhance the provision of professional services. All members of these regulated health professions are required to comply with the continuing competence programs developed by their professional regulatory college. This project developed an evaluation plan to subsequently evaluate the implementation processes and outcomes of the revised CCP developed by CARNA.
Defining Canada’s Green Economy (2010, with Corporate Research Associates): ECO Canada, Canada’s national sector council responsible for supporting the environmental sector, commissioned our consulting team to undertake a comprehensive assessment of labour market demand and supply within the environmental sector, and develop a definitional framework for the green economy. An essential project outcome was a portrait of key aspects and characteristics of the green economy within and exclusive of the environmental sector. A major component of the project was a comprehensive literature review of research reports that examine and define frameworks for the green economy and green jobs. We were responsible for the overall methodological design as well as the development of the definitional framework for the green economy. This research, published by Eco Canada in 2011, has received considerable international interest.
Economic Impacts of Health Research Spending on the Nova Scotia Economy: We completed this analytical study to provide the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation with evidence of the range of economic impacts generated by health research spending in the province. The study examined historical, publicly funded program activity in a number of research areas and assessed the impacts of the spending on provincial GDP, employment and other economic variables. (Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, 2009)
Evaluation of Nova Scotia’s Export Programs (2009): Nova Scotia Economic & Rural Development and Tourism wanted to assess the success of two key Small and Medium-Sized (SME) export development programs implemented by Nova Scotia Business Inc. The department contracted with Collins Management Consulting to evaluate the programs in terms of relevance and success (performance). The evaluation included a review/refinement of the logic models for the two programs, followed by extensive consultations with stakeholders including interviews with key informants, surveys of clients and a client focus group. The resulting report presented an integrated analysis of the consultation results and provided recommendations for improving the focus and success of the programs.